A note from Diana

We received the following letter last week from Diana, a mom in our Prevention Program.

We help families truly get past their crisis point and be able to sustainably keep their housing.

Hear from Diana about how this support impacted her and her family.

“In February my 19 year old son had a heart attack and I missed work and couldn’t pay rent. I reached out to Samuel [PHFS’ Prevention Specialist] and he informed me of a program that he’s doing and could possibly help me for longer.

I’ve learned about saving and budgeting and realized living in a survival mode isn’t good for your health. I have felt a sense of calmness and my kids have seen a happier mom. My kids seem happier and it just feels so good to be able to go to sleep at night not worrying about how you’re going to pay this bill or buy groceries. There are no amount of Thank Yous that I could say. I am truly grateful for this program and for Samuel [PHFS Prevention Specialist] coaching me and understanding me. It was so so nice and it was positively helped me and my family in more ways other than the financial part. Thank you again.”

-Diana, mother of four


Disability Pride Month


Reflecting on PHFS' History pt. 3