Holiday Gift Giving!

Thank you so much to the 100+ donors who gave toys, gifts, shelter supplies, gift cards, wrapping paper, decorations, and so much more! We were able to provide holiday gifts for 76 families made up of 184 kids!

Experiencing homelessness is hard. The families in our programs work hard every day at their jobs and parenting, all while trying to find an affordable place to rent in this town where rents are rising. This year, families have had the added stress of navigating all of this during the pandemic. “Stay Home, Stay Safe” is hard when you don’t have a home. Virtual school is hard when you live in a shelter. 

By providing holiday gifts, you have made things a little bit easier for these parents so they can focus on what’s really important this time of year - spending time together as a family. In-kind donations are a crucial part of our support system and we couldn’t support families without them.


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One year in Family Village!