Housing First Program
If you are seeking shelter, please call 211 or text your zip code to 898211.
Path Home helps families experiencing homelessness move quickly back into homes. We believe that housing is a human right, and we subscribe to the Housing First Philosophy. Our Housing First Program has two components: Rapid Rehousing and Case Management. Access to our Housing First services is managed through 211.org.
Case Management
We help families keep their housing long-term. We provide support to families for 12 months after they move into housing. We help families create action plans to balance their budget, connect to their new community, increase their income by getting jobs and education, and learn new skills they can use to keep their housing.
Rapid Rehousing
We help families move quickly back into permanent housing, usually within a couple of months of meeting them. Most families move into market rate apartments. Path Home helps families pay security deposits and up to 12 months of rent assistance to help families settle into their new homes.
In 2024:
“We absolutely love it in our new home. I’m just really grateful. This wouldn’t be possible in a million years without Path Home and for that I’m forever thankful!”