Families First Campaign Donors
We are so grateful for the hundreds of people, foundations, and businesses who stepped up and said, "Enough is enough - we will not accept family homelessness as normal!" Your contributions and support will end homelessness for thousands of kids and their parents. Thank you!
Kenneth Antell
Barbara Blossom Ashmun
Shelby Atwood
Suzanne & Stephen Babcock
Nathan Baker
Tom Balmer and Mary Louise McClintock
Norbert Balon
Gary Richard Barnum
Nick Begleries
Julie and Jonathan Bennett
Fran Berg
Nathaniel Berry
Joel Bettridge
Cheryl Bittle
Christa Black
Alexis Blank
Shemaya Blauer
Naomi and Ron Bloom
Karen Bolin
Joan and John Bollier
Marcy Boyd
Darci and Ronald Boyle
Christine Bracis
Katie Bradach
Jason Brandt
Thomas Breaden and Shermin Yesilada
Roger Brewer
Betty Brickson
Brie Bridegum
Meredith Brodsky
Mary Brooks
Kathleen Elizabeth Brown
Nathan Charles Brunette
Jennifer Bugley
Jennifer Burnett
Ryan Callihan
Michael Campbell
Jamie Marie Carbone
Kathy Cerkoney
John Chambers
Barbara Chappell
Karen Cheever
Jennifer Chrysos
Kimberly Clausing
Lauren Clement
Natalie Cohen
Truman Collins
Lee-Diane Collins-Vest & Ron Vest
Sonja Connor
Greg Corbin
Aaron Courtney
Linda Craig
Michael Crew
Janet Cubar
Colleen Marie Curran
Sally Dadmun-Bixby
Jake and Keith Daly
Ilene and Jim Davidson
Kenneth Davis
David L. DeMarkey
Debi Dereiko and Bryan Concannon
Julie Desimone
John and Rachel Devlin
Norm & Karen Dodge
John Donohue
John Dudrey
Lori and Scott Eberly
Justin Eckley
Ken and Annie Edwards
Melissa & Chris Elkinton
Travis Elliot
Jennifer & Duncan Ellis
Katherine L Erickson
Linda Escobar
Philip Exline
Abby Farber and David Robinson
Steven Fein
Leah & Drew Feldon
Sarah & John Ferguson
Judy Arielle Fiestal
David Filippi
Jerry Fish
Regina Fitzsimons
Katherine Fleener
Julia Fonk
Gloria Foon
Kim Foster
Colleen & Tom Foster
Jackie Freni-Rothschild
Jon Friedman
Jens Furbach
Kathryn Gallagher and James McWhorter
Janet and Tim Gallagher
Stephen Galloway
Bryce Gartrell
McKenna Genyn
Eric & Jennifer Gertner
Lacey Gillet
Susan Glen
Jennifer Glenn and Larry Hoyle
Janie Goldenberg
Michael Dean Gorham
Kathy & Don Grant
Eric Allen Grasberger
John Grout
John & Pat Gruher
Penny Harrison
Patti and Shane Harrison
Katherine Hart
Patrick Hartigan
Jill Hartzell
Catherine Hayes
Negar and Maximilian Heckscher
Kelsey & JImmy Heilman
Steph and Nathan Heldt-Sheller
Sarah Hench
Sarah and Lee Henderson
Abbey Hendricks
Chris Hermann
Christopher and Rebecca Heuer
Charles F Hinkle
Sarabelle Hitchner and Thomas Snell
Susan and Gerald Hoar
Yvonne Holloway
Aurora Hood
Lauren Howard
Brant Hubbard
Anna Hurst
Kimberly Hutchison
Lynn A Hyde
Shirley Ingram and Ronald Smith
Lesley Isenstein and Steve Laveson
Pam Jacklin
Michaella Johnson
Grant Jones & Elaine Jones
Morgan Josef
Mary Anne Joyce
Hollie Kenniff
Danice Kern
Laura Kerr
Alexa Kim
Jill King
Christine Kirchmiller
Victor Kisch and Pamela Frasch
Elizabeth Knight
Kelly Knivila
Clark Kocurek
Kurt and Mary Koehler
Matt Koehler
Peter Koehler and Noel Hanlon
Neil Koehler and Cindy Toy
Paul Koehler and Jinx Faulkner
Tom Koehler and Kari Easton
Nicholas Koehler
Maura Koehler-Hanlon and Brendan Pierpont
Dana Krawczuk
Jardima Kroeker
Karen O'Connor Kruse
Ryan Kuenzi
Anna Kurnizki
Ruth Lane
Arielle Laue-Minden
Myrna Lawlor
Barbara and Terry Lawson
Emily & Sam Leach
Kate Lefco Koehler and Daniel Lefco
Phyllis Leonard
Norbert & Christine Leupold
Dennis Leybold
Kimberly Linebarger
Dave and Evelyn Lowry
Kelly Lusk
Karen Lyman & Michael Viera
Kirk Maag & Kevin Stahl
Mike Maloney
Mike Manuel
Chad Marriott
Gary and Sheryl Martel
Eric Martin
Dora Martinez
Karen Mather
Bill McAllister
Ned and Lora McCall
Jean McGowan and Gerry Glynn
Jennifer McGowan
Jolene McGowan
Patti McIlhagga
Alice and Eric McKee
Timothy McMahan
Sarah and Scott McMullin
Susan McReynolds
Matthew McVickar
Ann Messick
Lora and Jim Meyer
Susan Mier
Tyrus & Sharon Miles
Greg Mills
Natalie Minniti
E. Blair Minniti
Wendy Mitchell
Kathleen Moesche
Michael and Kate Moore
Mark & Marjory Morford
Seth Morton
Susan Muller
Joel Aaron Mullin
Anna Murphy
Barbara Nagle
Barabara Nay
Beth Neel
Edward Neuwelt
Gabrielle Nguyen and Jeanette Heindl
Ginger Nims
Marc Noble
Brant Norquist
Jessica Norris
David Norris and Susan Ong
Holly & Rick North
Ingolf and Margaret Noto
Robert O'Neill
Mary Lynn Obrien
Milo Ormseth
Richard and Harriet Ottaviano
Lisa Palermo
Mark Bajorek & Susan Palmiter
Heather Park
Marc and Lindsay Parks
Louise Patten
Jonathan Paul
Karissa Pavlik
Amy Joseph Pedersen
Joseph J. Perkins
Toni Pfahler
Anne Pope
John Clark and Beth Porter
Betty Powell
April Preston
Jennifer Price
Jill Punches
Shari Raider
Ed Reeves
Dan and Mary Rehmann
Meg Remsen
Larry & Janet Richards
Molly Rogers and Christopher Hagerman
Laura Rosenbaum
Alan and Eve Rosenfeld
Elden and Marjorie Rosenthal
George Rowbottom and Marilyn Crilley
Cara Rozell
Barbara Ruben
Steve and Wendy Rudman
Robby Russell
Elizabeth Ryan
Carrie Saito
Nancy Santucci
Taylor Schimbke
Sandi and Marc Scholnick
Susan Schreiber
Jim Scott and Elaine Robin
Christian Scott
Katherine Scott
Bonnie Serkin
Pendleton Hamlet Serrurier
Richard Seymour
David Shaw
Cindy Sherman
Jeffrey Shilling
Mark Siegel and Jean Wilson
John Slusher and Christine Carr
Michael and Renee Smoot
Corey & Janel Smoot
Joan Snyder
Samantha Sondag
Liz Spaget-Wallace
Melissa Christine Spain
Josh and Lily Stadtler
Ellen Stearns
Jacqueline Stensland
Christina Stephenson
Veronica L Stevens
Dustin Swanson
Kathy Swift
Elizabeth Szabo
Joan Taylor
Gina Taylor
Bradley F Tellam
Geoff Tichenor & Stephanie Engelsman
James Torgerson
Nichole Tyska
Elle Uecker
Robert and Suzanne Van Brocklin
Kay Van Patten
Wally Van Valkenburg
Scott Parker & Ellen Vanderslice
Michelle Vanderzanden
Julie Von Laven Canan
Paul Waldram
Sandy Wallsmith
Jodie & Tom Watson
Amy Wayson and Kenneth Moran
Matt Webber and Courtney Dillard
Nancy Weintraub
Mackenzie and Benjamin Weintraub
Wendy Wetherbee
Amie and Jonathan Wexler
Beth and Steve Wilmart
Marcia Johnston Wood & Thomas Wood
Jessica Worthington
Camille Wright
James R Wygant
Cynthia Yee
Jennifer Young
Agnes & Monty Zach
Mary Zalman
Sean Carey and Becca Gardiner
Molly Cliff Hilts and Dave Hilts
Natasha Figueroa and Justin Ramirez
Carrie and Wayne Wilson
Foundations & Faith Congregations
Ann and Peter Barden Philanthropic Fund
Collins Foundation
Edward and Marilyn Epstein Charitable Fund
Elligua Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation
Hampton Family
Havurah Shalom
Home Builders Foundation
Nancy and Richard Silverman Foundation
Nathan Cogan Family Fund
Neilsen Family Fund
Nike Employee Giving Foundation
Oregon Community Foundation
Oregon Jewish Community Foundation
Schwab Charitable
Stepp Family Trust
The View Christian Church
Weiss Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation
Wheeler Foundation
Adam Greenman Atty. at Law
Advantis Credit Union
AWS Elemental
Division Inns
Dunn Carney LLP
Elliott, Powell, Baden, & Baker, Inc.
ESCO Corporation
Heritage Bank
Kaplan Law, LLC
McCall Enterprises
Moss Adams LLP
Ruby Receptionists
Stoel Rives LLP
The Standard