Responding to COVID-19
We have continued to operate all of our programs throughout the pandemic, including homeless prevention, rapid re-housing, and our Family Village shelter. We know our community is strong and resilient. You demonstrate this through your generosity and giving spirit during these challenging days. We look forward to keeping you updated as we continue to navigate operating during a pandemic.
Our staff was prioritized for the vaccine early on and we are now working with families to get vaccinated.
We continue to wear masks and social distance at Family Village.
We expanded our Housing & Prevention programs to support more families who lost work due to the pandemic, including providing $500 of cash assistance to 175 families (657 kids and parents) who were financially affected by the pandemic.
We hired an Education Assistant to provide support to families and kids as they navigated virtual school. Learn more.
Monetary Donations. Now more than ever flexible operating support is critical to find housing for families and help families whose jobs are affected by this virus stay in their homes.
In-Kind Donations. Help us continue our critical work by providing much-needed shelter supplies.
Volunteer. We have paused our indoor volunteer roles, but we still have plenty of opportunities to provide support to Family Village like gardening and weeding, making meals, and sewing masks. Contact to learn more!