Each Meal Provider shift represents enough food to feed 30 people in shelter. If you sign up for one shift, you are offering to bring 30 servings of food. If you sign up for two shifts, you are offering to bring 60 servings of food.
What does 30 servings look like?
30 servings means 30 complete dinners for hearty appetites (Ex: enough chicken wings for 30 people, 30 servings of mashed potatoes, and 30 servings of green beans)
Think of the food’s weight or volume. If you usually eat 1.5 cups worth of a dish, you need to have 1.5 cups x 30 servings.
Another easy way of thinking about how much food to bring is to consider that a well-rounded meal generally consists of a starch, a protein and a veggie. When these three options are served separately they are usually measured as "1 portion veggies, 2 portions protein, and 3 portions starch.”