Storing & Transporting your Brunch or Dinner

  • Deliver your meal in containers that you do not need returned, such as aluminum pans or new plastic containers. Volunteers are always welcome to pick up Path Home’s Cambros or pans before your meal as well. 

  • Heat transfers quickly to cold foods. Even if it’s a brief trip, keep cold and hot foods separate when traveling. For example, you don’t want to accidentally melt shredded cheese into a singular block or wilt the salad because you packed them next to hot potatoes!

  • If you need to deliver earlier than scheduled, food should still be fully cooked. Ideally, the meal will need no more than a quick reheat - one hour or less. Cooking foods that need a longer oven or prep time can be challenging for staff’s limited time and our single oven.

    Swap Outs:

  • Use Tupperware, aluminum tins, Cambros, or new mason jars (instead of previously used food containers such as a margarine tub - This is because of sanitation and safety reasons)

  • Use sturdy containers - see above (instead of Ziplock bags)